
Aligners and Digital Orthodontics (Livro Digital)

Livro Digital
Renato Parsekian Martins
Fabio Pinto Guedes
Bruno d’aurea Furquim
IDIOMA: Inglês
ISBN: 978-65-86395-01-3

In summary, this new publication offers readers a plethora of ideas, techniques, experiences and introductions to the world of digital orthodontics that have never before existed in one book. It is a true achievement of orthodontics, unlikely to be achieved again so soon. Orthodontists who neglect it will do so at their own peril. LARRY W. WHITE, DDS, MSD DALLAS, TX, EUA.

ANO: 2024

R$ 449,00


Renato Parsekian Martins

Master and Doctor in Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics – School of Dentistry of Araraquara – UNESP (with a doctorate from Baylor College of Dentistry, in Dallas).

Post-Doctorate in Orthodontics – School of Dentistry of Araraquara – UNESP.

Collaborative Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Dental Sciences (Area of Orthodontics) – School of Dentistry of Araraquara – UNESP.

Associate Editor of the Clinical Orthodontics Magazine Dental Press and the Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.

Founder of Orto3d and Co-Founder of Ortho E-Motion.

Fabio Pinto Guedes

Master in Orthodontics – USC – Bauru/SP.

Specialist in Orthodontics from Unigranrio/RJ.

Professor in the Specialization Course in Orthodontics – Capelozza Philosophy – FASURGS, Passo Fundo/RS.

Professor in the Specialization Course in Orthodontics – Profis – Bauru/SP.

Bruno d’aurea Furquim

Specialist in Orthodontics – CFO.

Extension in Orthodontics – Royal University of Denmark.

Master in Orthodontics – USP.

Doctor in Oral Rehabilitation – USP.


ADRIANO MAROTTA ARAUJO                                                CLAUDIO SESSO

ALICE SPITZ                                                                                    CRISTIANE B. ANDRÉ

ANDRE WEISSHEIMER,                                                            DANIEL HUAMANI

CARLO MARASSI                                                                          ELAINE CRISTINA TAKEHARA

CHRIS H. CHANG                                                                         ERIC C. HSU

CIBELE BRAGA DE OLIVEIRA                                                ERNESTO DUTRA RODRIGUES

CIBELE BRAGA DE OLIVEIRA                                                FERNANDO CÉSAR MOREIRA

CLARK D. COLVILLE                                                                  GIORGE ANDREAS JAEGER

GUILHERME BERND                                                                  JONAS CAPELLI

HELDER BALDI JACOB                                                              JORGE RODRIGUES

HENRIQUE BACCI                                                                         LEONARDO KOERICH

HONGSHENG TONG                                                                     LINCOLN NOJIMA

HUGO ROSIN                                                                                   MAURÍCIO MEZOMO

ISABELLA HOLZ                                                                            MURILO MATIAS

JOHN PHAM                                                                                    PAULO NAGATA

RAUL A. G. PISTORELLO                                                            WALTER IARED

ROBERT LEE                                                                                    WEBER URSI


ROLF M. FALTIN                                                                             WILSON HUMIO MURATA


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